4 essential recommendations to keep in mind when insuring your motorcycle


Today, congestion and traffic accidents are becoming more and more common, especially in large cities. Therefore, even if you are an experienced driver, you must be cautious since no one is exempt from starring in a crash on the street.

Insuring your motorcycle

Insuring your motorcycle

Colombia, 2021. Traveling by motorcycle is a unique experience. Motorcycle lovers agree that riding them is one of life’s greatest pleasures, as when you feel the wind on your face, you experience a sense of unmatched freedom.

In Colombia there are many who enjoy these sensations on a daily basis. According to figures from the Single National Traffic Registry (RUNT), motorcycles have established themselves in recent months as the vehicle most chosen by drivers, since they represent almost 60% of the country’s automobile fleet. However, a motorcycle is much more enjoyable when you have the peace of mind of knowing that you are protected.

Today, congestion and traffic accidents are becoming more and more common, especially in large cities. Therefore, even if you are an experienced driver, you must be cautious since no one is exempt from starring in a crash on the street.

Like any other vehicle, to legally circulate in Colombia, motorcycles must also have the Mandatory Traffic Accident Insurance (SOAT). But… How do you know which policy is the right one when insuring your motorcycle? What things should you take into account when choosing an insurance that responds to you in case you have to deal with something unforeseen?

From 123Seguro, we bring you different recommendations so that you take them into account when purchasing a policy to enjoy your vehicle in a safer way.

Study all the policies that exist and compare them according to the use that you will give your motorcycle

In addition to SOAT, which is the mandatory insurance to circulate in Colombia and is the one that guarantees coverage to all people injured or killed in an accident regardless of who was at fault, there are currently different types of policies for cars and vehicles. motorcycles and each one includes coverage that varies according to each insurance company.

Therefore, in order to choose the policy that best suits your needs, it is convenient to define in advance how you will use your motorcycle.

In that sense, if you will only use the motorcycle to go on a road trip, then the most appropriate policy will surely be the one that best responds to you in the event of an accident. But if the motorcycle is part of your job and you use it every day to sustain your life, then perhaps it will be better for you to purchase a more complete insurance, either against all risks or for total loss that covers in case of theft or theft, or even a fire.

Contemplate the policy extras

Once you have defined the use that you will give to your car and after having compared the different types of policy, before hiring it, take a moment to evaluate the additional benefits that each insurance includes.

If you usually travel long distances with your car, then it would be recommended that the policy you choose has benefits such as a towing service or mechanical assistance to assist you if you suffer any damage in the middle of a trip.

Always remember that many insurers, in certain policies, also include some added value, that is, differential services such as sending you the parts to your home in case of having suffered an accident. Some even offer reports on the state of the road, so if you enjoy frequent motorcycle trips, this type of benefit will be very useful.

Your profile as a motorcyclist

Your history as a motorcyclist is another aspect that you should also consider before taking out insurance. In addition to the use that you will give your motorcycle, you should think about how skilled and responsible you are when driving since it will also define the type of coverage you will need.

From the point of view of an insurer, you must remember that from the moment a person processes the driver’s license they develop a particular driver profile, that is, a history of his performance at the controls of a motorcycle.

In addition to how responsible you are, another point that will also determine the price of the premium is the age of the motorcyclist, the age of the driver’s license and, in that sense, the number of fines that have been earned in your career as a driver.

The type and model you want to insure

Finally, the model, if it is new or used, the brand and the cylinder capacity of the motorcycle or moped you drive, will also be important details to consider when taking out insurance.

In this sense, power is one of the main points for insurers since high-displacement motorcycles, that is, those that exceed 500cc are the ones with the most expensive policies, while mopeds between 75 and 150cc are usually acceptable. for cheaper insurance.

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