The tires: the best pressure for your motorcycle.

There are many points to analyze, such as the rigidity of the compound, the temperatures that arrive, the sizes, the carvings … This time we will talk about the subject that, either by ignorance or by following the manual, many of us have made a mistake, the Tire pressure.

The tires, also known as covers, nematic, rubber or rubber in some regions, are a toroidal piece of rubber that are placed on the wheels. Its main function is to allow an adequate contact by adherence and friction with the pavement, making it possible to start, brake and guide.
For many, tire inflation is done by what the manual says, the friend, the mechanic or social networks. If you are one of them, this article will change your ideal tire pressure number.
But first of all, let’s talk a moment about the person who recommends us to do this task, Leo Smith. For more than 10 years he was responsible for the development of Avon tires, few people know more than the one about this world and he is the ideal character to follow his advice.
Smith’s recommendation is to cold-press the pressure indicated in the manual and, after traveling a couple of kilometers on the road at the usual speed, we stop and measure the hot pressure. The pressure of the front tire should have increased by 10% and the back pressure by 20%. If the increase is greater, the initial pressure is too low and we drag too much rubber on the floor, so we must wait to cool the rubbers and put a higher pressure than the initial. But if the pressure went up less than indicated, we should get cold air. After a couple of tests, we will know our ideal pressure. This is ideal to do every time we change tires, we must remember that each manufacturer has different compounds.

In case of rain, Smith recommends raising the pressure of the rear tire in 2 or 3 psi, this to make the tire more easily cut the water and reduce the risk of aquaplaning (aquaplaning or hydroplaning, is the situation in which tires and the floor gets in the water, losing the grip). For the front rim it is recommended to maintain the same pressure.
Smith does not recommend changing the tire pressure if you carry luggage or a passenger. When a tire is manufactured all these aspects are anticipated. However, he recommends increasing 2 psi when he has lost 40% of his work.
Another piece of advice refers to the effects of climate change. This can affect the tire pressure by up to 3 psi, so it is recommended to check the tires.
I hope that these tips from Leo Smith will help you, I put it into practice and my bike, just with the tires, has changed for the better.